Functional Medicine Lab Tests

Functional Medicine Lab Tests2023-10-03T18:41:28+00:00

Functional Medicine Lab Tests

Dig deeper into your individual health profile.

Lab tests help clarify a client’s condition and reveal the steps needed to establish health. Functional labs, specifically, help me dig deeper and get a more thorough look at what is happening in the whole person. Not only do I benefit from the data, but clients also gain insight into why they feel the way they do.

Hormone Testing

Evaluates hormonal balance, adrenal function, sex and stress hormone levels

Food Sensitivity Testing

Evaluates the level of intolerance to specific foods

Nutri-Body Assessment

A nutritional assessment that pin-points your unique biochemical weaknesses

Functional Medicine Lab Tests & Pricing2023-10-06T14:59:05+00:00

1. Hormone Testing: Cost – varies from $52-$389 depending on hormones that are being tested

  • Take home kit from Fluids IQ for saliva collection is provided

2. Food Sensitivity Testing: Cost – $389

  • Blood sample is required for this test
  • Food IgG Intolerance testing for over 220 food items
  • Report listing the intolerance levels is provided

3. Nutri-body Analysis: Cost – $50

  • Nutri-body Analysis is a systematic way of surveying a client’s unique array of symptoms to discover possible nutritional causes
  • It is a practical way of assessing nutritional status that relies on the use of a questionnaire that documents bodily complaints
  • Includes an assessment report of your top imbalances
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