by admin


by admin


Why use live blood analysis in holistic nutrition?

Live blood analysis is an exceptionally valuable tool used in practice because the blood can serve as a predictor of health and provide an indication of wellness well before symptoms appear. The insights gained from the analysis, correlated with health history, enable me to understand the individual’s state of health on a much deeper level. The analysis helps me decide where to focus the client, it simplifies the treatment process as it quickly highlights the main problem areas. The information gathered from what we see in the blood is used to make recommendations on supplement, diet and lifestyle shifts. Furthermore the effectiveness of various treatment combinations can be tracked as progress is monitored by observation of changes with followup live blood analysis. Working without live blood analysis is like a dentist working without an x-ray machine. It is possible to do, but with an x-ray machine it makes the dentist’s job much easier, and most patients would prefer to see a dentist that has all the tools available to him or her.


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